Overcome personal obstacles and relationship challenges and reach your life’s fullest potential with our empathetic & tailored approach to life coaching.

Marie Smith

️“Working with Reach for Solace has been an absolute game-changer for me. I was going through a tough time in my personal and professional life, and I felt overwhelmed and lost. Sarah’s counselling and life coaching expertise provided me with the support and guidance I needed.”

Are you fed up with feeling…
Having low self esteem?
Having a damaging inner critic?
Would you like to…
Feel Empowered
Become Self Aware
Be Mindful
Feel Connected to Yourself
Be able to Self-Regulate
Find more Balance
Create Self Acceptance

If you’re ready to begin the essential inner work to start healing, reprogram outdated unhelpful beliefs & feel more empowered then you’re at the right place.

After your therapy has come to an end you will have the tools & understanding of yourself to be able to continue on your own healing & wellness journey. The relationship you have to yourself is life long.

You will learn fundamental tools to be able to help yourself when you are triggered. From self soothing, EFT to changing your Physiology.

You will understand the story of your life that you’ve identified is exactly that… a story. We will look at the meanings you attach to events & people which can alter your reality through being able to see life through a different perception.

We will work on starting the healing journey from inner child wounds, understanding the needs that were unmet & what you had to disown within yourself in order to keep yourself safe.

We work on a deep level of reprogramming your subconscious mind & clear limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. We tune into your authentic self with more presence & awareness so you truly feel seen, heard & understood.

Understanding your needs, finding healthy ways to use your voice & speaking your truth will help you towards setting healthy boundries, feeing more empowered & on purpose.

What I can call upon & use in our sessions depends on you as an individual & what you require.

My intuition, personal experience, self development & over 15 years of working with clients will all be touched upon on our journey together. Your experience will always be as unique as you are.

Maybe you’ve tried various self-help methods, workshops & talking therapy, only to feel it didn’t really change anything. Let us guide you on a healing & empowering journey.

I can use a combination of Counselling, Psychodynamic work, Coaching, Hypnosis, Tapping (EFT), Meditation & Mindfulness Breathwork to support you.

At Reach for Solace,

We always offer a unique path. Our approach is tailored to your individual needs and circumstances. We believe that with the right support, everyone can achieve positive change.

Reach for Solace is led by Sarah Faulkner, a qualified counsellor & life coach with over 15 years of clinical experience.

Along with her team, Sarah has helped tens of thousands of clients overcome their struggles and reach their desired goals.


Psychodynamic Therapy

Experience the power of in-depth emotional exploration. We dive into the roots of your emotional difficulties, exploring childhood experiences and subconscious patterns. By understanding the deep-seated factors influencing your present, you’ll gain clarity and release emotional burdens, setting the stage for lasting positive change.

Life Coaching

Our life coaches are here to empower you in all areas of your life. Whether you seek support in career transitions, setting health goals, or improving relationships, our holistic approach addresses every aspect of your well-being. Through effective strategies and goal-oriented coaching, we’ve helped countless clients build fulfilling lives and discover their true potential.

Individual Counselling

In our one-on-one counseling sessions, you’ll work closely with our experienced therapists to explore your thoughts, emotions, and past experiences. Our integrated therapeutic approaches, including Transactional Analysis, CBT, and Gestalt, will help you gain valuable insights, overcome challenges, and develop useful coping techniques. Join the hundreds of clients who have found healing and transformation through individual counseling.

Couples Counselling

Relationships are complex, and it’s natural to face obstacles along the way. Whether you’re struggling with constant arguing, lack of intimacy, or differing love languages, our relationship counselling can help you navigate these challenges. Learn effective strategies to address conflicts and improve your connection, creating a stronger and more fulfilling partnership.

Meditation & Mindfulness

Meditation is a wonderful stress relief and can help clients increase their potential to be mindful & develop conscious awareness. Clients can start to feel a greater sense of balance not only are their thoughts clearer but their mind too.

EFT-Emotional Freedom Technique

Also referred to as Tapping. Similar to acupuncture benefits but with the use of fingertips. Tapping on meridian points of the body relieve symptoms of a negative experience or emotion and restoring balance to the body’s energy.

9D Breathwork

9D Breathwork transcends conventional breathwork practices due to it being a multi-sensory experience bringing about emotional healing & subconscious reprogramming. For the immersive experience headphones & blindfolds are used.

Heal & Reprogram so the past no longer rules. Transform your life in 8 weeks through our 1:1 program.


What we offer can range from one session to several months plus.

Single Sessions:


Package of 3:


(Saving £24)

Sessions to be taken within three months.

Package of 8:


(Saving £128)

Sessions to be taken within 8 months

*Sessions are carried out via Google Meet & are 1 hour in duration.
We offer a Free 30 minutes discovery call to make sure we’re a good fit.

I advise weekly sessions to start our work together to establish rapport & get a nice steady flow going. We can then tailor your sessions to what we feel works best for you. We are all unique & one size does not fit all.

Payment plans can be an option. I require each session to be paid 48 hours in advance.

In the 8 week programme we can cover:

  • Core wounds
  • Mother & Father wounds
  • Outdated beliefs
  • Attachment styles
  • Inner child healing
  • Questioning thoughts & Reframing
  • Meditation
  • Mindfulness
  • Breathwork
  • Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Spirituality in terms of Self acceptance, being Present & Self compassion
  • Shadow work
  • Chakra alignment
  • Affirmations
  • Gratitude
  • Journaling
  • Manifestation
  • Setting Intentions & routine


Ready to Take the First Step Towards a Better Life?


Complete your details below NOW to make an enquiry!